Life Leader Marketing.
Apart from the odd broken bone from falling off my horses, I have
enjoyed an incredibly active and healthy life, yet I have always had a
fear of becoming ill. My curiosity regarding minerals was piqued after
a friend of mine became seriously ill, and started taking Life Leader.
The results were quite startling, not only did she recover, but looked
fantastic. I decided to do further investigations and contacted Kevin
O'Shaughnessy, who developed the Life Leader formula. Kevin explained
to me that although he had had great success with various illnesses,
the main benefit of Life Leader was for people who were healtky, to
prevent the onset of disease and illness. I was so impressed with how
I looked and felt on Life Leader Minerals, I put my entire family
including my two year old and teenagers onto the product, and can now
look forward with confidence to a long and healthy life.
I have suffered from osteoporosis for 14 years forcing me to use
crutches most of the time. I have tried all sorts of medication,
including laser treatment. My doctor advised me that the time had come
for a knee replacement. Life Leader Minerals has changed my life
completely. Three months down the line I now walk without crutches and
have lost a lot of weight. My sincere thanks goes to the Life Leader
team for such a wonderful natural product. I will never do without it.
God Bless.
I have suffered from heart palpitations followed by panic attacks for
a number of years; I have also been on sleeping tablets and
anti-depressants since my husband died. I find playing sport very
difficult in the heat and humidity of South African summers, as I
often feel nauseous, faint, or have heart flutters. I have been taking
Life Leader Minerals since Feb 1999; I no longer suffer from any of
the above problems. I sleep well, have untold energy, the condition of
my hair, skin and nails has never been Better, what's more, my medical
bills are almost none existent.
I had a brown mark on my left cheek, a purple scar on my lower leg, I
had the beginnings of arthritis in a couple of my fingers, and to top
it all, I have had lower back pain for the last THIRTY YEARS,
sometimes so acute I could hardly walk. I had been taking Life Leader
Minerals for only two months when, I noticed that the mark on my face
had gone, the scar on my leg was almost non-existent, my fingers were
pain free and flexible, but most important was that my back was pain
free. I will be taking Life Leader for the rest of my life for this
pleasure alone. Last but not least my chemist bills have dropped by
some R350 per month.
At the age of 47, I developed Arthritis in my hands, my knuckles
swelled to the point where my fingers looked almost deformed, my
knee's then started to follow suit. I was given anti-inflammatories,
painkillers, and finally cortisone, all of which did nothing to help.
After one month on Life Leader Minerals, I found I had much more
energy, my knees were feeling a lot better, and to my great delight
one hand started going down. After four months on Life Leader the
other hand started to go down, my rings had to be made three sizes
smaller, my circulation improved beyond belief, no more cold feet in
bed and no more cramp. I can now open the garage door, thread a
needle, ring out clothes, my skin is soft and glowing, and what is
more I no longer get headaches after drinking wine.